I live near the border in the north of Israel. Do not be silent. Israel's enemies have a loud voice but they are small in number. Mobilize a letter-wriitng campaign to local papers, flood them. 10 two-sentence letters are better than 1 20-sentence letter. The world needs to see how many nonJews stand with Israel and how many Jews support us in spite of the noise made by antiIsrael "Jewish" groups.
The poem by Weiss resonates with my heart. I shared it with fellow Eastern European travellers who have stood on rivers and lands of Jewish blood.
Thank you, especially for the poem…
I live near the border in the north of Israel. Do not be silent. Israel's enemies have a loud voice but they are small in number. Mobilize a letter-wriitng campaign to local papers, flood them. 10 two-sentence letters are better than 1 20-sentence letter. The world needs to see how many nonJews stand with Israel and how many Jews support us in spite of the noise made by antiIsrael "Jewish" groups.
Thank you so much for this poem. It captures a lot.