Coffee with the Rishonim Recap
☕☕☕ We've had a lot of anachronistic coffees with the great Rishonim. Here's a thematic recap of who we've gotten to know over five centuries.
We made it through the Middle Ages (without dying of proverbial dysentery and with only minor bloodletting)! If the past is a foreign country, I hope the Jewish past feels a little bit less remote and a lot more colorful and real to you after our journey together. Don’t worry, we’re not staying away for long; we’ll be back in the late ninth century at the start of the next series, Famous Hebrew Manuscripts. Below, a recap of where we’ve been. (It’s a loose categorization; many could arguably be placed in different categories. Quibble away.) Also: look out for a special announcement this Thursday!

The Great Torah Commentators
⭐ Most likely to succeed. [Also belongs under Gemara commentators, ofc.]
⭐ Least likely to succeed.
The Great Gemara Commentators
⭐ Class president.
⭐ Debate club captain. [Also belongs under Torah commentators.]
⭐ Model UN champion.
The Great Codifiers
⭐ Valedictorian. [Also belongs under philosophers.]
⭐ First-gen success story.
⭐ Best personal maggid.
Great Halachists
⭐ Snarkiest.
Kabbalists & Philosophers
[Also belongs under Torah commentators.]
Mishnah Commentary
⭐ Most likely to make aliyah.
Next week, I’ll be back with a recap of all the Jewish learning resources I’ve shared over the course of the series. I’m sunsetting this feature, so this will be a nice way to round up all the resources in one place.